Vennersten Cecilia - Beautiful Child

Beautiful Child
Beautiful Child
You Are a Beautiful Child
And I Am a Fool Once More

You Fell in Love When I Was Only Ten
The Years Disappeared
Much Has Gone By Since Then
I Bite My Lip, Can You Send Me Away
You Touch
I Have no Choice
I Have to Stay
I Had to Stay

Sleepless Child
There Is So Little Time
Your Eyes Say Yes
But You Don't Say Yes
I Wish That You Were Mine

You Say It Will Be Harder in the Morning
I Wait For You to Say, Just Go
Your Hands, Held Mine So Few Hours
And I'm Not a Child Anymore

I'm Not a Child Anymore
I'm Tall Enough
To Reach For the Stars
I'm Old Enough
To Love You From Afar
To Trusting... Yes?
But Then Women Usually Are

I'm Not a Child Anymore
No, I'm Not a Child, Oh No
Tall Enough to Reach For the Stars
I Will Do
As I'm Told
Even If I Never Hold You Again
I Never Hold You Again